Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Discovering Freedom: Blanca's Blog: Traveling for US Citizens New Law 2009

Also check this link:
New Passport Information for United States Citizens

Traveling for US Citizens New Law 2009

Next year in 2009, you will need a new passport card (like a credit card, but it will contain all your personal information) to travel in and out of the United States. Go to my link to read more about this new law.

Remember it is your responsibility as a United States citizen or a foreign citizen to be informed about existing laws, or new laws that might affect or benefit you in the long run.

Happy New Year 2009!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Discovering Freedom: Blanca's Blog: Keeping Up with Finances

Keeping Up with Finances


I know most of us are trying to keep up with our finances. I think it is important to educate ourselves and made better financial decisions. I love to read Kiplinger magazine, and Money magazine. They are my favorites because they always give me a better financial insight. I disagree from time to time with certain articles or suggestions, which I believe we ought to do.

I hope you enjoy this new journey to understand your finances and how to improve your life and provide the best that is within you to your family, friends, co-workers, and all those people that are an influence in your life.

God Bless us all as we move into a new year.

JFK; Bush; LBJ; Nixon